Pitchumani Sivakumar

Pitchumani Sivakumar

Company: Pfizer

Job title: Director, Translational Medicine


Panel Discussion: What’s Next for MASH Drug Development: Deep Diving into Innovations in the Field 3:45 pm

What are the future directions of MASH drug development? From GLP agonists, RNA therapies, AAV and SNPs which of these therapies hold the most promise Which pipelines should be prioritized?Read more

day: Conf Day 2 PM

Exploring Biomarker Developments for Assessing Liver Fibrosis 9:30 am

Overcoming inherent limitations of liver biopsy and histological analysis through non-invasive tool Assessing potential of protein localization Exploring Visium Spatial and XeniumRead more

day: Conference Day 2 Morning

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